Monday, March 31, 2008

Well, I lost my post, I wrote another post but it got erased. i love you all, next week i will write a good post. when did all this news happen?
Elder Miles

I recovered his posts!!

My comp and I had another really good week, but only 1 investigator in church. A girl that is 20 years old and has two kids, one is a little girl that is 5 and a boy that is 2. She has a husband, I guess that is what you call it. They aren´t married, but have lived together for 6 years. We just found out that he is a member, but hasn´t gone to church in over 10 years. Last night we past by to see how she liked church and everything and to see if he was there. He happened to be there and so we decided to teach them the plan of salvation and how families can be together forever. We finished teaching and at the end I felt that I really needed to bare my tesimony. So I just started by telling them that this plan brings so much peace and happiness in my life because I know that when this life is over I don´t have to say good bye to my loved ones, that I can live with them forever after this life. But that I have to continue to live the gospel and do what the Lord wants me to do. When I finished, it was dead silent, you could hear a pin drop. What was most amazing of all is the husband started crying. The spirit was so strong, it is just one of the experiences that you can never forget. We are so blessed to have this gospel in our lives, to guide and direct us. I love this work. Thank you all so much for being an example in my life and showing me the way. I love you all. Hay que seguir adelante con confianza in Christo.


Elder Miles

ps My english rocks, not really I really starting to forget how to speak, and Jeff whatever happened to sending me a package?

Thursday, March 27, 2008


We are so happy to hear that it's a girl! I bet that they are very excited. I am pretty sure that Craig has told everyone... here they don't do an ultrasound until 20 weeks so in about 4 weeks we will find out. The pressure is off on us though. :-) Although, Carson is convinced that he is getting a baby brother. He says he doesn't need another sister.

Did everyone hear?

Michelle is having a girl! That's Chris' Michelle! The blessings are really pouring in! We arrived home safely from Accra with just a bit of off roading adventure. The time went way to quick, we were able to attend the temple, which was in French as they had a group from the Ivory Coast there so we had to wear headphones. We also got haircuts which turned out great - except now I am completely
gray. It's time to go to work the President just came in. We send our love to all of you.

Monday, March 24, 2008


My mission has taken a drastic turn for the better. My comp is probably the best missionary in the whole mission. Everyone was telling us that our area is probably the worst one in the whole mission and that we wouldnt find anyone. Well, I have learned that there isn´t such a thing as a bad area, only that they are lazy missionaries. We started the week with only having two investigators and just running with it. We contacted like crazy, and we ended up in places that I have no idea why we were there, but the Lord did. We found some really amazing people who were really prepared to listen to our message. One family we found was absolutely poor, I don´t think that had ate in a day or two. The mom was so sick, she was on the verge of dying, i´m not kidding. We gave her a blessing and told her that we were going to return. We went to our house and found what medicine we had and went to our cook´s house and took a couple of cup of ramon and a jug of agua pura. We went back and gave them the medicine and we have returned back a couple of times and seems to be recovering just fine. But this family already wants to get baptized, we just have to get them to church, which they went yesterday, but the dad left for Hondorus today for his work and doesn´t come back for another 22 days. They are so many more just like that, the thing is when we first went to the house the parents weren´t there. But as we were returning back, they stopped us and told us to come to their house. It was just amazing that we were right there in that moment. In the end, we found 31 new investigators and 6 investigators in church. It is possible that next week we could have more than ten next week, because this past week Semana Santa and so absolutely no one was in the street or anything. Everyone left for the beaches. Honestly, there were more drunks in the street than people that could actually talk to us and stand still. I also had to give a talk in church yesterday. It went really well, everyone told me spanish was really good and that I had improved from the last time. We are going to be pretty busy this week teaching all of these people and putting dates with for their baptism. We have really been pushing hard to invite for baptism in the first lesson and put a date in the second. I love you all, it´s always good to hear all is well. It´s like David O. Mckay said ¨every member is a missionary¨ in D y C 33, there is a promise, if you open your mouth the Lord with fill you with the words that you need because He is with you.
Elder Miles

leaving for Accra

We are leaving for our first trip to Accra, so if you never hear from us again, you'll know the maps were bad, we don't have passports so I don't think we can get to Nigeria or Togo without being stopped.

The President asked us if we thought our mission or Andy's mission was the toughest, we said that we didn't know. We were able to answer the question last week after we saw that Andy's debit card had been used at McDonalds!

Have a great day, I am sure we will have adventures to share after this trip.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Easter Pictures!

Hi there! Sounds like all missionaries are doing well. We are very glad for that. We loved the Ghana pictures. Looks beautiful!

For FHE last night I did a felt board story about Easter. We taught Carson last year, but it didn't seem to stick. When saying the lunch and bedtime prayer tonight he said "thank you Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected on Easter". We are still trying to get the significance of the egg, but I think that it is hard for a 4 year old to grasp. He is definitely getting it though, which we are happy about. Craig and his counselors stuffed 750 eggs for and Elder's Quorum egg hunt on Sat. Hopefully we get a good turnout so Carson doesn't get 100 eggs!

Above you will see the kids' Easter pictures. For all of them visit our blog.

Monday, March 17, 2008


Well, we had change conference today. I can already tell that this is going to be a good change. I still stayed as a junior comp, which I am happy about because I really need one more change to prepare myself to direct an area. So all I had to do was move one block away from where I was to another house, because they split our area and they put me with the our new district leader. I knew him a little bit before, he is a really cool guy, his name is Elder Valdez and is from Panama. I really am going to learn a lot and the work is going to progress. It was really lagging with Elder Recinos. I am really learning that obedience is the key and thats what I am really focusing on. My spanish is getting better and better everyday, I really just have to learn some more vocab and use it. It is absolutely remarkable to see how much I teach. The people really understand what I´m saying and comprehend it too. This last change was really weird, it went by really fast. By the way they split the area, my old comp gets to take advantage of all the work that we did and run with it, and we pretty much get to start from scrap. He knew what was going to happen with the areas before hand and where he was going to be so we didn´t work much in the area that we have now. But that just means we have more oportunities and have to work hard to find those people out there. I love this work, I really just want to share the gospel with these people, but they don´t want anything to do with us, it really is difficult to get in doors and teach. That is why we have really tried to work purely through the members and get references. If we have the name of the person when we knock, they almost always let us in. I hope all is well with everyone. I love you all.
Elder Miles

Sunday, March 16, 2008


We didn't put these two photos out generally, but thought would be appropriate for the few who access the blog. The first is the classic "vanity" shot of us at the MTC map. The other is with Richard Andersen who I got to teach and he joined the Church in Chicago 40 years ago while attending Northwestern. He has taught for 30 some years at BYU in the music department and been branch pres at MTC, etc. We just didn't stay in touch over the years but I looked him up while at the MTC and he came over for a visit. I came to know where he was from Bro. Hiram Smith, who ran into Richard near the St. George temple and Bro. Smith mentioned to us that Richard was prof at BYU. It's kind of an incredible story. Richard sent us his conversion story that I will pass on to you later. Dad.

Ghana Pictures

Friday, March 14, 2008

Happy Birthday LaRue!

The kids and I just got back from a week in Pocatello. I know your're probably asleep now, but it's still you b-day here! We hope that you had a great day!

Happy Birthday Mom!

Copy and Paste in your browser!!

Happy Birthday, Mom!

I hope you can find some chocolate cake. We love you, Grandma!

Jeff, Camille, Marcus, and Katelyn

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I guess I better write

It seems that if I want to communicate I will have to use the blog, we were wondering where Andy was this week until I got Jackie's e-mail about Andy using the blog.

We are having a rough day as we have made 2 trips to the bank to cash a check and we haave no money(the church). they claim that they made a transfer last Thursday. Interesting!

This is transfer week. 3 elders have left for home today and 7 arrive tomorrow so we are very busy trying to figure all that out!

We tried to e-mail pictures and didn't get that done so maybe Sat we can try the blog.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Que Onda

Well everything is going really well in Guatemala. We are going to have a baptism this Saturday with Jose Luis Chavez. His wife is less active and they have two little boys and a girl. They are absolutley poor, right now he can´t work because he broke his arm and is now trying to rehab it. This change is almost over, next week is change conference and i´m pretty sure that i´m going to have a new companion. I have no idea if i´m going to move up or not, so we will just have to see. We are working hard and really trying to get the members involved in the work. I can´t believe how big those kids are getting, it´s absolutely crazy, time flies that´s for sure.
We know who our next mission president is, his last name is Torres and is from Taylorsville, Utah. So we got a president that no one thought, a latino from the states. Well i´m out of stuff for this week. I love you all, hay que seguir adelante, y por ustedes con el sacerdocio, guian tus familias. cuidense. espero que todo este bein. con mucho amor.
Elder Miles

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I'm getting bigger!

Katelyn just keeps growing! I can't believe she will be 8 weeks this Friday! Time has gone by fast. I am curious to see how much she will weigh when we take her in next week for her 2 month appointment. She is a great sleeper after her couple hours of colic in the evenings. She has started to smile back at us occasionally which is really fun to see!

Snow Fun

Marcus had fun eating the snow. Unlike the song we've taught him, before our snowman had time to melt in the sun, Marcus decided that tackling it would be a better way to see it go.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Jackson Program

Jackson had his signing program at school last week. He just stands there with the most terrified look on his face - poor kid. His class sang "I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee" and "Twinkle Twinkle little star" - he know both songs - he sang them to me but in a crowd he gets very shy - at least he goes up there!

Snow in March?

We woke up to snow this morning! The kids were very excited at the site of snow - Jackson wanted to build a snowman but the snow was hard and crispy!! Anyway - they played in it for five minutes and then were ready to inside! It is supposed to get to 56 today so the snow will be gone soon!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

I finally found the blog

I thing that this will be an awsome way to keep us updated and hopefully we will find time to figure out downloading pictures as we hae some. I will show all of you with children under 2 to keep your children under control and out of your hair while your are cleaning and cooking - you just wear them on your back! We do not need nursing mother's room in Africa! That is the news of the day! We just taught the first discussion to 5 people, the wife of a member and daughter, a young woman, an older gentleman who passed the church last week and stopped and listened and this morning he had gone to the fields to weed and harvest and was prompted to come back to church. It is very interesting teaching with an interpreter ! We had some amzing tesimonies, we will probably write about next week. Friday Teresa, who works for the Dil's came over to the office and asked if she could talk to us, She asked if we wanted her to work for us, her job with the Dil's is just part-time and her husband is in nursing school. We told her that we would talk about it and let her know. Sat we talked with the Dil's and asked how much they paid her etc. and told them about the conversation. Sister Dil then said that Teresa had said to her Sister Miles doesn't like to do dishes because she asked me where to buy paper plates! I guess you have to be careful with your questions they might get misinterptretted! Keep using the blog and so will we.

Love. Mom